He was trying to pick up the lid to the tub but was leaning forward and putting his weight on it so was not really getting anywhere. It was very entertaining to watch!
He has been growing so much and really has filled out. I love that his belly hangs over his pants now. He loves to play alone in his room or in the playroom. Judson likes to play with the toy food and dishes. He empties the tubs they are stored in and then just looks though the mess he has made and explores all his options of things to play with. He also loves to pull the books off the shelves in his room and sit and flip pages. It is so cute now that he knows how to do all of this by himself. I love to sit outside the door and just watch him. I need to record it sometime but never have the video camera when I need it and if I make to much noise to get it he just gets detracted.
Judson does not have more teeth yet, but I think they are not far away. Or at least I hope they are not far away because he has been kind of cranky lately. It is how he was acting before his bottom teeth came in, so we are hoping that is all it is. Not a new personality development.
So big and soooo cute! I love this kid too!
I think he gets cuter everytime I see new pictures. Did I tell you that we might be coming for high school days. Not a for sure thing yet but I would love to hold that little guy!
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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