Saturday, June 5, 2010

15 months

Judson is 15 months old today!! I know what you are thinking... already!! I totally feel the same way! He is such an amazing little boy and we love watching him grow and change ever day. He has been walking for about a month and a half now and is all over the place. He is a monkey and loves to climb up and over anything. He is very inquisitive, always trying to figure out what things are or how they work. Judson is also VERY social. Especially now that we are living at a hotel. When we have the chance to venture out he LOVES it. He gets so excited and smiles and waves at all the people. And if we see another kid he is so excited that he can not stay still. It is super cute and most other people love it too.

He is not saying many words yet but can communicate pretty well with what he wants. He does sign "all done" and "please" so that is nice. But with him always asking please and his super big smile it is hard to tell him no. Oh but we do, he is into everything!! He does say Mama and Dada, ba for ball, mi for milk, and mo for more. There may be others but I can not think of them right now. No full words though that anyone else may know what he is talking about! :)

He has six teeth, 4 on top and 2 on the bottom. He eats pretty much anything and everything we eat. And would eat more if we let him, but we are still trying to keep him as healthy as possible. He will learn about sweets, french fries and all that other good stuff soon enough. He loves to eat with a fork and is a better eater if he has one. It is so nice that he is a good eater!!

He still sleeps 12 hours a night but is starting to transition out of two naps a day. Some days he will take two, but it is become just 1 more often. But with living in the hotel life and schedule are not as they should be anyway!!

He goes for his 15 month check on the 17th so I am not sure about how much he weighs or his height. I am a little anxious to meet the new doctor, because I really liked the one we say in Lincoln, but am sure that it will go well. He was suggested to us by a friend.

1 comment:

Laura Beth and Cliff said...

Thanks for sharing all the great things about your little guy!!! He is just too precious for words. I so wish that he and Aidan lived closer!