Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Judson's new interest

Many people have told me that in the winter they fill up a tub, move their sandbox inside or fill something else with rice for their kids to play in. This has always seemed like a great idea to me, but was not sure I wanted rice all over the place. So after I saw some pictures on my friend Laura Beth's blog I decided to go for it. Well at the grocery store I was having second thoughts again. I knew it would be a fun activity that Judson would enjoy but still did not want to have to clean up so much rice. So as we were passing all the beans I decided that is what we would go with.
Judson still makes a mess with them, they fall on the floor as he is measuring them out or pouring them form bowl to bowl. But they are easier to pick up! And next time we are at the store I am going to buy another kind of bean, maybe lima beans or navy beans, then he can mix the different kinds and sort them back out.
It has been a great activity for him! Keeps him busy while I am making supper many nights! And he has lots of measuring bowls, and spoons from his own kitchen that he can play with.


Katie said...

Looks fun! I wonder if that would keep Nolan entertained...

Sarah said...

My boys love this activity too. They love taking their cars and burying them in the kidney beans and using the measuring cups to scoop them out. The only downfall is picking all the little beans when they get a little carried away. :)